Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Cleantech Open has $100,000 for a green startup idea
Corrections below The Cleantech Open has helped more than 100 startup companies find their footing since it launched in California three years ago. Now the business competition is expanding in […]
‘No compromise’ faction attacks climate bill
Courtesy Climate SOSGlobal warming activists endorsed by the preeminent climatologist James Hansen are working to defeat the climate and energy bill in Congress, and they’re using some provocative stunts to […]
No Impact Man talks about making an impact
First, Colin Beavan donned a superhero nickname and gave up electricity, fossil fuels, un-local food, and buying stuff. He blogged, he wrote a book, he let filmmakers follow his family […]
Why the EPA ‘dissenter’ story needs to die
More on the spin cycle.Courtesy katiew via FlickrSay I’m a high-school drama teacher. My education and career experience are in teaching drama. I happen to have a side interest in […]