Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Washington governor isn’t falling for big geoengineering fixes
There is no silver bullet. There is only golden buckshot. –Washington Governor Christine Gregoire on her all-hands-on-deck cleantech philosophy, speaking at the Cleantech Open‘s Pacific Northwest Regional Awards Gala Oct. […]
Grass people invade Congress as Senate hearings wrap up
The third and final day of the hearings on the Kerry-Boxer climate bill wrapped up in the Senate Environment and Public Works committee today. We’ve been collecting the best reactions […]
Children and riot police face off in Canadian “Moms” video
The Canadian campaign Moms Against Climate Change just released a provocative video (below) that makes a boldly emotional appeal for action on global warming. Set in an unnamed city, the […]
U.N. chief will pressure senators on climate bill
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon at a press conference in Seattle (Oct. 26, 2009).Jon Hiskes / GristAs the U.S. Senate begins work on a climate and energy bill this week, senators […]