Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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TV weathercasters moonlight as climate experts. It’s a problem
This week in TV-news bashing, we learn that significant numbers of TV weathercasters are serving as climate-change experts, without training in climatology but with lots of confidence in their ability […]
‘Britain’s Appalachia’ engineers a brighter post-coal future
Can renewable energy turn Wales as clean and shiny as the Cardiff waterfront?Courtesy ttfnrob via FlickrThe sparkling, sanitized waterfront of Cardiff, Wales, reveals barely a hint of the country’s grimy […]
H&M’s organic line and the Wal-Mart perspective
Eurochic retailer H&M is launching an earth-friendly spring Garden Collection, H&M shopper Joe Romm reports. No, scratch that, this is from The new line will include recycled polyester, organic […]
Palin sticks with ‘drill here, drill now’ in Nevada Tea Party speech
Sarah Palin is sticking with the “Drill here, drill now” slogan/policy position she championed during the 2008 presidential campaign. She dusted off the familiar phrase at a Saturday speech in […]