Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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A brief (stylish, animated) history of fossil fuels [VIDEO]
The conclusion: "Our best goal is resilience: The ability to absorb shocks and keep going." I've long argued that our best goal is laser-guided hovercars (no friction, therefore optimum fuel efficiency), but resiliency's a pretty good goal too.
Veterans Day, the new Earth Day?
It's a provocative argument that a clean-energy revolution depends on the military signing up. The good news is that it already has.
Ruin porn, exurban sprawl edition
A while back, Sarah noted the proliferation of Detroit "ruin porn" -- images and films that depict abandoned houses, crumbling factories, and desperately unemployed masses without showing that intelligent life does, in fact, remain in the city. There's something of a parallel trend for sprawl: illustrations of the overbuilt, over-mortgaged empty subdivisions littering exurban America. The implied message is quite often that these places were built carelessly and are unaffordable, unsustainable, and damn near unlovable.
Christie finds the Right’s kingmakers demand orthodoxy on climate change
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie brings the latest evidence that there's no room in the Right's top ranks for anything but suspicion of climate science.