Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Pundits speak: Oil spill makes climate bill less likely
Satellite image: GeoEyeThe political fallout from the BP oil leak is proving just as difficult to measure as the ecological and economic damage. But three political bloggers who’ve been paying […]
Jon Stewart slams BP, oil-defending politicians, more usual suspects
Our customer research department tell us that some of you enjoy humorous video, watchdog journalism, holding politicians accountable, and biting media criticism. If that’s the case, we think you should […]
Away from the oil spill, signs of local progress
The Gulf oil spill story is too big to ignore right now. It’s a massive, toxic indictment of our dependency on fuels that fill our atmosphere with heat-trapping pollutants even […]
Burning oil sends heavy vapor toward Gulf residents
The EPA is warning that Gulf Coast residents are at risk of headaches, nausea, and other ill health effects; the culprit is air pollution from the oil burns that response […]