Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Republican infighting overshadows the Tony Hayward show
CSPANBP America CEO Tony McGaffeypants Hayward made his first appearance before Congress today, facing questions from the House Energy and Commerce Committee. What did it accomplish? What new information did […]
BP chairman ‘cares about the small people.’ WTF?
BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg must still be learning the finer points of crisis relations — here’s his explanation (before the White House press corps) of why President Obama is so […]
Daily terror: We’re learning nothing from Gulf spill
The New Republic‘s Bradford Plumer has a post today — Why our reaction to the oil spill absolutely terrifies me — that’s, well, sorta terrifying. It’s about how the body […]
PR lessons from a 1960 oil trade group [VIDEO]
The oil drilling and oyster industries both extract things from coastal waters, so it’s no surprise they’ve been interacting for decades. Here’s a cheesy 1960 video from the American Petroleum […]