Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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Greenpeace shuts down 30 London BP stations
Greenpeace U.K. shut down at least 30 BP stations in London on Tuesday in one of the more ballsy displays of civil disobedience against the energy giant. Something for us Yanks to learn from?
Even suburban Chicagoans want to invest in transit
The Chicago Tribune/WGN released a doozy of a poll Saturday finding a surprisingly large appetite for cutting highway expansion and redirecting the money to transit.
L.A. mayor climbs on bike, gets hit by taxi, gets hit by bike-bloggers
Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa climbed on a bike for the first time in years last Saturday for a ride to the beach. Within 30 minutes a taxi driver pulled out in front of him on Venice Boulevard, knocking the mayor to the pavement.
State and EPA climate action become key as Senate gives up
The World Resources Institute has a new report that calculates what exactly states and federal agencies could accomplish in the absence of Congressional action. So how much good could they do?