Articles by Jonathan Hiskes
Jonathan Hiskes is a writer in Seattle and a former Grist staff reporter. Find him at and on Twitter.
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American overwork and German “short work”
The German concept of Kurzarbeit, or "short work," encourages employers to reduce hours rather than lay workers off when business is slow.
Seattle and Portland leaders don’t want to be ‘global’ mayors
Hopes were high for a "who's greener?" argument between Seattle Mayor McGinn and Portland Mayor Adams at a recent talk. Alas, the mayors played nice.
Will Pete Rouse, Obama’s new chief of staff, push for climate action?
Rahm Emanuel's replacement has political savvy, energy-policy chops, and experience warding off environmental attacks from Republicans in Congress.
The case for super-ambitious Living Buildings. A talk with Jason McLennan
Seattle architect Jason McLennan created the Living Building Challenge, a standard far more demanding than the widely used LEED standard. Here's why.