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Articles by Jon Rynn

Jon Rynn is the author of Manufacturing Green Prosperity: The Power to Rebuild the Middle Class, from Praeger Press. He has a Ph.D. in Political Science and lives with his wonderful wife and amazing two boys, car-less, in New York City.

All Articles

  • Why the party that wrecked America can’t fix it

    The Republican party has a problem. They have based much of their power, over the last several decades, on the idea of ever-expanding (almost exclusively white) suburbs. The thinking was, as those suburbs become less and less dense — as one wag put it, the further away the houses are from each other — the […]

  • Production and ecosystems are more important than the financial sector

    Over the past eight years or so, the so-called “masters of the universe” in the financial sector seem to have swallowed their own hype. Arguing that money equals wealth and the freer the market the better, they have led the charge to offshore our manufacturing base while hopping on the biggest bubble in history, the […]

  • Expanded transit can lead to energy independence

    While the Republicans were busy chanting “drill, baby, drill” at their convention, they ignored a much better alternative: riding on buses and trains.  As Diane Carman put it in The Rocky Mountain News: The irony was almost creepy. Thousands of Republicans were gleefully chanting “Drill, baby, drill” inside a convention hall in St. Paul, Minn., […]

  • Let’s hear it for floor area ratio

    There’s an interesting exchange going on between Kevin Drum and Matthew Yglesias regarding the reasons that some communities may or may not be walkable. It seems that the Woodbridge section of Irvine, where Kevin Drum lives, is quite walkable, but hardly anyone does it. Yglesias seems to feel that if an area is made fairly […]