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Articles by Jon Isham

Jon Isham is a professor of economics and environmental studies at Middlebury College. He is the guest editor of Getting to 350, a special edition of Solutions which will be published in Summer 2010. He is also the editor of Ignition: What You Can Do to Fight Global Warming and Spark a Movement, co-founder of, and, most importantly, proud colleague of all of the kick-ass 20-somethings from Middlebury who are helping to change the world. He is the December 2009 Climate Papa of the Month.

All Articles

  • COP15: the untold story

    While reporters were busy writing about the violence in Copenhagen they missed the alive spirit that came from the world’s citizens gathered to fight climate change. Photo: Greenpeace Finland via FlickrJust off the plane from Copenhagen, little sleep under my belt, I’m full of ideas for how to ratchet up the climate movement, big time. […]

  • Meg Boyle weighs in: Why Copenhagen isn't Kyoto

    Meg Boyle, acclaimed youth climate leader (though isn’t it time we jettison the ‘youth’ modifier – I weighed in here on this issue last year!) and my comrade-in-arms at has this excellent new post from COP15.  Please offer your comments, and be in touch with her this way: Meg AT whatwedo DOT org **** […]

  • Honoring Van Jones by reaffirming who we are

    In his decade-long obsession with Dr. Martin Luther King, J. Edgar Hoover revealed himself as one of American history’s most reprehensible figures.  Feeding on a stew of racism and anti-communism, Hoover used his considerable power as FBI Director to try to torment King into leaving public life.   His tactics were noxious – illegally taping King […]

  • We are all from Wise County

    Want to get really angry about health care and global warming? Not the ginned-up rage of the Obama-was-really-born-in-Kenya crowd, but an anger that fires you up to take action in the name of justice? Anger like the rage felt by so many white Northerners and Southerners in 1963 when they saw Birmingham’s fire hoses turned […]