Articles by John Walke
John Walke is a senior attorney and the Director of NRDC's Clean Air Program.
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GOP attacks the EPA for doing its job
The GOP refuses to acknowledge that the Obama EPA is following federal laws and court orders issued when the Bush administration failed to abide by the law.
Utilities and Joe Barton: 'Ignore the science: Pollution isn't bad for you!'
Do you believe doctors, EPA scientists, and peer-reviewed studies when it comes to the danger of pollution? Or heavily polluting utilities and Joe Barton?
House Republicans attack life-saving mercury and air toxics standards
It would be irresponsible to deny clean air to the American people.Photo: BronxCross-posted from the Natural Resources Defense Council. And so it begins. Long a rumored dirty secret, Rep. Ed […]
A little background on the EPA’s new mercury and air toxics rule
Cross-posted from the Natural Resources Defense Council. Today, the EPA announced the most important actions to clean up air pollution from dirty coal-burning power plants since the Clean Air Act […]