Articles by John Upton
John Upton is a reporter at Climate Central.
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Factory farms get even grosser
As if CAFOs weren't disgusting enough already, now they're spraying manure out of sprinkler systems, and it's contaminating neighbors' homes.
Duke Energy says it would be too hard to actually fix its coal-ash problem
The company whines that cleaning up all of its coal-ash ponds in North Carolina would take 30 years. Activists don't buy it.
Californians, stop watering your lawns — for real this time
The entire state is now officially in drought, with a quarter in "exceptional drought." Gov. Jerry Brown says this is no time to waste water on landscaping.
BP won’t pay for Gulf oil spill research
The oil giant whines that it has forked out a lot for research already, and can't understand why it should have to pay more.