Articles by John Light
John Light is a writer and journalist sometimes based in New York. He writes a lot about climate policy, both inside and outside of the U.S. Twitter: @lighttweeting
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A Republican rep calls for his party to “recognize the reality” of climate change
Chris Gibson, whose upstate New York district has been hit hard by mega-storms, plans to introduce a climate-related resolution in the House.
This guy’s typhoon tweets make the climate crisis urgent, touching, and funny all at once
As Super Typhoon Hagupit bears down on the Philippines, the country's climate commissioner is pleading for action -- and making a few jokes.
Dear U.N.: Coal plants don’t count as climate-friendly projects
Japan spent $1 billion building coal plants in Indonesia and claimed it was "climate financing." Green groups are calling bullsh*t and demanding reform.
Nike, Starbucks, and other big businesses step up to support Obama’s climate rules
The EPA's proposed power plant regulations will help the American economy, not cripple it, say companies like Ikea, Kellogg’s, and Nestle.