Articles by John Light
John Light is a writer and journalist sometimes based in New York. He writes a lot about climate policy, both inside and outside of the U.S. Twitter: @lighttweeting
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Climate-denying scientist got piles of money from fossil fuel interests
Willie Soon, a favorite among climate deniers, describes his research as "deliverables" in correspondence with his dirty funders.
TransCanada has big new plans for moving oil around, and you won’t like them
The company behind the long-stalled Keystone project wants to build a big new cross-border pipeline and get into the oil-train business.
Natural gas drilling is causing earthquakes in Europe too
Shell and ExxonMobil ignored for decades that drilling in Europe’s largest gas field was triggering quakes.
Mounties claim anti-oil activists are a threat to Canada
A classified report from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police warns that the "anti-Canada petroleum movement" contains "militants and violent extremists."