Articles by John Farrell
John Farrell is the author of Energy Self-Reliant States and a senior researcher at the Institute for Local Self-Reliance, where he focuses on renewable energy policy.
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Three reasons why Germany is kicking our arsch on solar
Most Germans want a quick transition to decentralized renewable energy.
Ontario Kills Coal, But Local Renewables Program Falters
It was one of the most ambitious renewable energy programs in the world when it launched in 2009, committing the Canadian province to buy power from thousands of new renewable […]
8 Practical Local Energy Policies to Boost the Economy
The economy has stalled and so has the war on climate change. But a new report from the Institute for Local Self-Reliance shows that dozens of cities are boosting their […]
What is Solar Worth to a Utility?
It’s an issue of national debate, but one unexpected state – Minnesota – is engaging a formal process for determining the methodology for setting the value of solar. As the […]