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Articles by Joel Makower

Joel Makower is executive editor of, the annual State of Green Business report, and other websites and publications produced by Greener World Media, of which he is co-founder. He is the author or coauthor of more than a dozen books, including Strategies for the Green Economy.

Featured Article

A new sustainability standard for companies is being released for public comment: ULE 880 — Sustainability for Manufacturing Organizations, a partnership between UL Environment, a division of Underwriters Laboratories, and my colleagues at

It is a day that I’ve been awaiting for the better part of a decade.

A 45-day comment period opened Aug. 2, and we hope you will review the draft standard and provide detailed feedback.

ULE 880 is the first in a series of company-level standards and certifications that are being produced by this ULE-GreenBiz partnership. It results from about eight years of work — initially by a small team of us in Alameda County, Calif., and starting last year, between ULE and GreenBiz.

The first draft of the standard is now complete, the product of a Herculean effort spearheaded by my friend and colleague Rory Bakke, director of sustainability at GreenBiz. Rory was lead author of the ULE 880, with assistance from me, a terrific team from UL Environment, and a small group of advisors.

ULE 880 covers five domains of sustainability:

Sustainability Governance: How an organi... Read more

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