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Articles by JMG

Let's live on the planet as if we intend to stay.

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  • Falling out of love with cars

    Jon Rynn suggested that this comment to another thread be posted, so, by request, a repeat for the holidays! I would have posted it yesterday but we had a long power outage as a winter storm caused a transformer to blow up, putting several thousand of us without power. It was a fitting problem to […]

  • An antidote to Kunstler?

    Sharon Astyk has graced these pages. She is the anti-Kunstler. Whereas JHK can get people gritting their teeth and swearing by quoting "Reader’s Digest," Sharon has a way of making everyone feel warm and friendly … even when she is writing or saying things every bit as grim as anything from JHK. I saw her […]

  • Kunstler’s tips to prepare for a post-oil society

    This post by James Kunstler, “10 Ways to Prepare for a Post-Oil Society,” is a little old, but still timely, as the economy is in the midst of its first major convulsion caused by a radical swing in energy prices. The first point is especially applicable: The religious belief in the ability to substitute any […]

  • It’s important that we preserve winter

    Otherwise where would puppies find snow to romp in?