Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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Be glad you don’t live in Oymyakon, Russia, where it can get down to -96 degrees
Cold? Yeah, suck it up. If you lived in Oymyakun, your glasses would freeze to your face, but you'd still have to go outside to pee.
Here’s what a Weezer album cover would look like if Weezer were fat ponies
Just some Shetland ponies hanging out on a beach in their cardigans, no big.
Obama’s handwritten time capsule note expresses hope for the climate
If you worry that Obama doesn't care about the climate enough right now, well -- at least he cares about it later!
If you need any 70-year-old waterlogged lard, some just washed up on a beach
Baked goods taste better with real lard, and ocean-soaked baked goods from the 1940s taste better with ocean-soaked lard from the 1940s.