Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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Does organic food make you a jerk?
New research says organic food makes you rude and selfish. We investigate this "provocative" study.
Heartland Institute going broke due to dickish billboard campaign
After a year fraught with hardship, the climate-denialist Heartland Institute is being rapidly abandoned by its friends and supporters, doomed to wind up friendless and alone, wandering the streets clad […]
Global warming makes syrup taste gross
We’ve known for a while that climate change will threaten supplies of our favorite foods, like wine and bourbon. (Oh, and bacon, coffee, chocolate, oysters, and pecan pie.) But the […]
9-year-old’s lunch blog shames school into making changes
Martha Payne had some sad-ass lunches at her school in Scotland -- unsatisfying food that sometimes had more hair than vegetables. So the 9-year-old decided to start a blog with photos and vital statistics about her meals.