Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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Takeout restaurant delivers dirty dishes so you can pretend you cooked
If you provided food for your dinner party by slaving over a hot phone all day, nobody need ever know — as long as you’re in the U.K., and within […]
What San Francisco would look like after a 200-foot sea-level rise
This poster, by Brian Stokle and Burrito Justice, shows what a 200-foot sea level rise would do to San Francisco. Better get to high ground, guys.
Giraffe invades country club pool
Get out of there, giraffe! You are not Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps! You are a giraffe!
Quite possibly the best bike-for-sale ad ever
A dude in San Luis Obispo is giving up on his hipster dreams, and therefore on his fixie. Result: one of the funnier bike-for-sale Craigslist ads we've seen.