Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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The ocean’s tiniest, strangest creatures
The Tara Oceans is a 118-foot research ship that collects ocean zooplankton and phytoplankton — microscopic marine organisms that we often know nothing about. These tiny critters have a crucial […]
June’s 3,282 heat records, in one handy chart
In the U.S., June heat broke 2,284 daily maximum temperature records and tied a further 998. Here's what that looked like for the lower 48 states.
Street artist turns Chicago into a Monopoly board
Socially conscious graffiti is nice and all, but we prefer it when street artists have a sense of humor. So this work by artist (or art collective) Bored is right […]
Breathtaking video of Earth seen from space
[vimeo 44801709] It’s worth cleaning off your monitor before you watch this extraordinary video — full-screen, of course — so there’s no dust or smudges interfering with your sense that you’re […]