Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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This plugin keeps baby pics off your Facebook by replacing them with bacon or cats
Are you childfree, anti-population-growth, or just an STFU Parents fan? will get rugrats off your social media feeds for good, and replace them with pictures of kittens, puppies, bacon, […]
Happy free birth control day!
Obamacare's efforts to undermine all that is good in America are finally paying off.
Here’s the real story behind this see-through hermit crab
This awesome photo of a hermit crab in a glass shell has been going around the internet, attached to a story about New Zealand scientists using the glass shells to […]
These artists print photographs onto living grass
Usually when you say an artist is "into grass," it's because you're in your 60s and use outdated drug slang. But artists Heather Ackroyd and Dan Harvey honestly do amazing things with grass, i.e. the plant people make lawns out of.