Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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This Olympic cycling video is basically TRON
[vimeo 47100629] If you couldn’t tell from the robot voice intoning “VEL-O-DROME” for nearly a minute and a half, this is the welcome video for the Olympic velodrome, where the cycling […]
Singapore’s terrible new rap video demands you have procreative sex tonight
If you can’t make it beyond the first 30 seconds of wretched rap in this public service ad campaign, here’s the basic gist: It’s Aug. 9! Happy National Night! Now […]
Make delicious popsicles out of booze, goat cheese, and jalapenos
We all loved the Good Humor ice cream truck, but let’s be realistic: Good humor is for children, children with a naive understanding of the world and its woes. What […]
San Diego is seeing record numbers of weird black jellyfish
This black jellyfish (which looks a no-more-comforting blood red in this lighting, but black in the open water) can grow to the size of a trash can lid, and its […]