Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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10 million pounds of maple syrup has mysteriously gone missing in Canada
It's not clear what thieves would want with that much maple syrup, unless they are Paul Bunyan, but whoever took the syrup -- worth more than $30 million -- must have put a lot of care and energy into the heist.
Drought is ruining people’s ability to throw cow dung at things
When it’s really hot and dry out, cows stay near the barn. When cows stay near the barn, they do not poop in open fields. When cows don’t poop in […]
Six empty chairs that say more about the environment than Barack Obama
Last night, Clint Eastwood had a lively conversation with an empty chair that he apparently thought was Barack Obama. Grist List does not endorse candidates, but we know a lot […]
Tiny bugs are pooping in your face
You know what? We changed our mind. Stop saving the planet and BURN IT. Because we don’t want to live in a world where rosacea is caused by the feces-bloated […]