Articles by Jess Zimmerman
Jess Zimmerman was the editor of Grist List.
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These park benches have a cruel sense of humor
Jeppe Hein's benches are supposed to make you more socially engaged, but they mostly just make you feel like you're being laughed at.
Omaha teenager starts a program to donate ungrateful kids’ fruit to the hungry
Schoolkids are now required to take a fruit or vegetable at lunch, but they're not required to eat it. This teen made her classmates donate that food instead of tossing it.
World’s fastest one-liter-engine vehicle runs on cheese
Utah State University's small, speedy drag racer runs on cheese-waste-based biofuel.
Gorgeously painted manhole covers add beauty to city streets in Japan
Sometimes, the difference between a pleasant, livable city and a stressful one comes down to the details, things you might barely even notice but that influence you almost subconsciously. Municipalities […]