Articles by Jennifer Prediger
Jennifer Prediger is a writer and producer who channels Umbra Fisk for Grist in the world of online video. She recently joined a CSA and is learning how to live with less take-out.
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Urbivore’s Dilemma, Weeks 13 &14: Being away from my CSA box
Forced to eat cafeteria food for six days straight, the Urbivore has a new dilemma -- being homesick for her local-veggie box. Can such fresh food spoil you? And why does it spoil so fast, anyway?
Urbivore’s Dilemma, Week 12: Salting vegetables and nonstick cookware
August marks a rich point in summer with food bursting on the vine. This week, the Urbivore salts and cooks an eggplant; as things get sizzling, she takes a closer look at nonstick cookware.
Urbivore’s Dilemma, Week 11: Cast iron and pot luck
This week's Urbivore's Dilemma: Hosting the biggest dinner party ever in my tiny Brooklyn apartment, and getting sentimental about heirloom cast iron skillets.
The (incredibly loud) sound of SunChips on the Today Show — featuring Grist!
Watch the Today Show -- and me! -- break down the issue of SunChips' new and noisy biodegradable bag.