Articles by Jennifer Prediger
Jennifer Prediger is a writer and producer who channels Umbra Fisk for Grist in the world of online video. She recently joined a CSA and is learning how to live with less take-out.
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Urbivore’s Dilemma, Weeks 23 & 24: Some unsavory choices
Local, seasonal CSA produce is autumnal cornucopia. It's time for the Urbivore to get roasting -- but what happens when she can't take a turnip and finds her sense of wonder wounded by a worm?
Urbivore’s Dilemma, Weeks 20-22: Cooking strike
I’ve spent very little quality time with the fruits and vegetables from the CSA of late except in their most simple form -- raw. But should I really be trying to eat turnip greens and sweet potatoes uncooked?
Urbivore's Dilemma, Week 19: Fresh bok choy and Chinese take-out
If old habits die hard, then old eating habits die harder, and include the power of rising from the dead. Two weeks ago, the bok choy I received revived some old habits.
Urbivore’s Dilemma, Week 18: Tomatillos, cilantro, hot peppers, oh my!
This week, the Urbivore gets something in her veggie box that veers outside of her comfort zone. Help her over this food hurdle!