Articles by Jennifer Prediger
Jennifer Prediger is a writer and producer who channels Umbra Fisk for Grist in the world of online video. She recently joined a CSA and is learning how to live with less take-out.
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Urbivore’s Dilemma, Weeks 20-22: Cooking strike
I’ve spent very little quality time with the fruits and vegetables from the CSA of late except in their most simple form -- raw. But should I really be trying to eat turnip greens and sweet potatoes uncooked?
Urbivore's Dilemma, Week 19: Fresh bok choy and Chinese take-out
If old habits die hard, then old eating habits die harder, and include the power of rising from the dead. Two weeks ago, the bok choy I received revived some old habits.
Urbivore’s Dilemma, Week 18: Tomatillos, cilantro, hot peppers, oh my!
This week, the Urbivore gets something in her veggie box that veers outside of her comfort zone. Help her over this food hurdle!
Urbivore’s Dilemma, Week 17: The many uses of baking soda
They say you shouldn't s%&t where you eat, but have you ever considered brushing with what you eat? This week, the Urbivore finds herself on a trip with only an apple and baking soda.