Articles by Jeff Biggers
Jeff Biggers is the American Book Award-winning author of Reckoning at Eagle Creek: The Secret Legacy of Coal in the Heartland (The Nation/Basic Books). His website is:
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Obama Ends 150-Year War of Strip-Mining in 24 States!
Obama Ends 150-Year War of Strip-Mining in 24 States: Mountaintop Removal Loses Its Groove. Yeah, I’ve been wanting to wake up to that headline for years, too. Instead, I read […]
LA Turns Lights on Deadly Coal, Bright Clean Energy Future
As I drive down the crowded LA freeway this evening, I will consider these facts: According to a fairly recent study, California’s costly dependence on faraway coal-fired plants in […]
Dark Secret of World Water Day: Coal-Fired Plants Drink 1.5 Trillion Gallons
Here’s a sobering fact on World Water Day: Coal-fired power plants use approximately 1.5 trillion gallons of water a year in the US. In many respects, some folks might […]
Coalfield protesters want to know when EPA chief will visit Appalachia
Protesters locked themselves to 20-foot purple mountains outside the EPA.Photo: Rainforest Action NetworkRisking arrest, activists from the besieged Appalachian coalfield regions and their supporters from across the country have set […]