Articles by Jeff Biggers
Jeff Biggers is the American Book Award-winning author of Reckoning at Eagle Creek: The Secret Legacy of Coal in the Heartland (The Nation/Basic Books). His website is:
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How green is Chicago?
On the same streets in the Windy City, where a young liberal Democratic activist named Francis Peabody peddled “smoke-free clean coal” in the 1890s, an estimated 400 Chicago residents marched […]
Battle at Coal River Mountain explodes
The Battle at Coal River Mountain has officially begun. At the same time President Obama invoked the “legacy of daring men and women” in our nation’s quest for renewable energy […]
Blockbuster new book exposes anatomy of denial
James Hoggan and his posse might be our nation’s most important sleuths — and they ain’t even from the United States. Not that climate destabilization knows any boundaries. Not […]
Will EPA veto or regulate the plunder of Appalachia?
Big News: In a historic move, Lisa Jackson’s EPA threw down the gauntlet on mountaintop removal mining last Friday — after they had just compromised on another massively destructive mountaintop […]