Articles by Jared Green
Jared Green is editor of The Dirt, the blog of the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA). The Dirt covers news on the built and natural environments.
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A road map for urban agriculture in N.Y.C.
The new Five Borough Farm report lays out a clear vision for the future of urban farming in the Big Apple.
David Byrne plays Scrabble with bike racks in Brooklyn
The former Talking Heads front man-turned-bicycle-advocate is making his mark on the NYC streetscape with funky new cycle infrastructure.
Prescription for healthier humans: More time at the park
The average boy partakes in two minutes of “vigorous activity” each day. The average girl, just one minute. The solution is right down the street.
D.C. unveils plans for awesome new green neighborhood
Pedestrian boulevards and museums will replace a no-man’s land of urban renewal projects gone wrong. A new park will reconnect the city to its waterfront.