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Articles by Jamal Raad

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We are less than 6 months from Election Day, but it’s already clear that this election will be like no other in history. It will take place amid a global health crisis, a national economic crisis, and a growing climate crisis. None of these crises can wait: The next president must simultaneously address all of them, and in doing so, lay out his vision for the nation’s future.

As America grapples with the coronavirus and the economic recession it’s brought on, we must also take bold action on another emergency that could define our lives for decades: climate change. Whether we rise to this challenge or fail to address it could create a longer-lasting legacy than the current pandemic.

As former staffers on Washington Governor Jay Inslee’s climate-focused presidential campaign, we engaged communities and climate leaders around the country, hearing repeatedly from across the diverse constituencies of the Democratic Party that climate change is central to their lives, their livelihoods, and the health of their communities.

When Governor Inslee left the race last year, he announced that his hundreds of pages of climate plans — considered the gold stand... Read more