Articles by Staff Writer Jake Bittle
Jake Bittle is a staff writer at Grist who covers climate impacts and adaptation. His book about climate migration, "The Great Displacement," is published by Simon & Schuster.
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Oregon tried to inform residents about wildfire risk. The backlash was explosive.
Homeowners fear the state will devalue their properties by publicizing their fire risk.
Feds to Colorado River states: Reduce water usage, or we will do it for you
The Interior Department outlined a path for unilateral cuts last week, upping the pressure on western states.
A decade after Sandy, Manhattan’s flood barrier is finally in sight — sort of
The “Big U” shows how climate adaptation can succeed. It also shows how hard it is.
How sunken basketball courts could protect New Yorkers from the next Superstorm Sandy
The city wants to use its public housing developments to soak up extreme rain.