Articles by Holly Richmond
Holly Richmond ( writes and edits things for fun and money. Please follow her on Twitter because that is the entire basis of her self-esteem.
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The internet has some advice for you on recycling old clothes
Today in "proof that crowdsourcing works," Jezebel commenters clearly know WAY more about clothing recycling than one of the site's authors.
Flying bike and jet-powered bike make your fixie look lame
Czech smarties create a flying bike, and Brits make a jet-powered one. Meanwhile, my bike won't even make me a sandwich.
Look out, ladies: Biking can damage your vagina
Extremely hunched-over biking (you know, racing style) can numb your vagina and damage nature's dance hall, the pelvic floor.
Check out Nestle’s new bottled water for fancy rich ladies
Because if you're drinking tap water, CLEARLY you hate yourself and have no friends.