Articles by Holly Richmond
Holly Richmond ( writes and edits things for fun and money. Please follow her on Twitter because that is the entire basis of her self-esteem.
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Watch this ridiculous deadpan video about owls
Ze Frank is the Dr. Spaceman of owl videos. Except he might actually know something, like why baby owls camouflage themselves as Muppets.
Meet Blowpaste, the vegan lube/toothpaste
Toothpaste AND lube? What are you, made of money? Blowpaste does double duty, and without any animal products.
Rare baby zonkey born in Italy
A male zebra and a female donkey found love in a hopeless place.
The week in GIFs: Police geese, bike orgasms, and baby bats
Sometimes you can only react to the week's green news with a GIF.