Articles by Heather Smith
Heather Smith (on Twitter, @strangerworks) is interested in the various ways that humans try to save the environment: past, present, and future.
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The National Review’s worst nightmare: Climate activists might win
While skeptics doubt and cynics yawn, one conservative pundit sees the movement to get colleges and governments to sell their fossil-fuel holdings as a potent threat.
Divestment: Making colleges do the right thing with their cash since before you were born
Divestment -- the effort to get large institutions to sell their fossil-fuel investments -- didn't come out of nowhere. Its long history began with the anti-apartheid movement.
Have sledgehammer, will farm
We've covered a lot of good farmland with concrete over the years. But taking it back for urban farming may not be as difficult as it sounds.
Beetlemania: Invasive insect could become our billion-dollar problem
If the Khapra beetle spreads from our ports to our crops, it will eat all our food. Visit the front lines in Oakland, Calif., where customs agents struggle to keep the buggers at bay.