Articles by Heather Smith
Heather Smith (on Twitter, @strangerworks) is interested in the various ways that humans try to save the environment: past, present, and future.
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Four reasons why Portland became a cyclists’ utopia
It wasn't inevitable. Here are some of the things city leaders and residents did over the years to turn their town into a haven for bike riders.
Climate change rocks a key Michigan Senate race
As conservative money takes aim at a Democratic front-runner, the climate emerges as a decisive issue for one of the races that will decide who controls the Senate.
Up the coast without an auto: My life with the Post-Car Travel Agency
Getting out of the city on your bike can take you places you never imagined. And if the wind turns against you, you can always thumb a wild ride.
#AskChevron: The hashtag that roared (and paid)
Behind a successful effort to focus attention on an oil company lay a paid Twitter promotion and an elusive group named The Toxic Effect.