Articles by Heather Smith
Heather Smith (on Twitter, @strangerworks) is interested in the various ways that humans try to save the environment: past, present, and future.
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Buying a bike? Now you can use Twitter to find out if it’s stolen property
Bicyclists, rejoice! This new tool could arguably become the closest thing we have to a national bike registry.
Oil-train info does not need to be secret, feds say
Railroads, are you listening? Public release of details about crude-by-rail shipments does not pose a serious security risk.
The Canadian pipeline (almost) everyone hates gets a go-ahead
Canada's prime minister has approved a pipeline from the tar sands to the Pacific. Residents and First Nations in the way are unlikely to go along quietly.
When cranky crude rides the rails, who should know?
The feds say the railroads need to inform state officials when they're shipping volatile oil. But the railroads want everyone to sign non-disclosure agreements.