Articles by Heather Smith
Heather Smith (on Twitter, @strangerworks) is interested in the various ways that humans try to save the environment: past, present, and future.
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How much does the world spend to subsidize fossil fuels? The IMF wants to know
Watch our video to find out how many. Hint: It's in the trillions.
Can the pope move the needle on climate change?
Pope Francis is about to issue a major statement on the climate. It's likely to be more homily than policy prescription, but it could still make a huge difference.
Could pesky children be the solution to climate change?
A British economist-baron argues that the persuasive powers children hold over their progenitors could be our secret weapon in fighting global warming.
Is Amazon’s new Seattle HQ the ultimate tech utopia?
Unlike many of its dot-com peers, Amazon has staked its claim in the city, rather than the suburbs. Now all it needs is more housing. And some nightlife. And...