Articles by Hannah McCrea
Hannah McCrea is online communications director at the Constitutional Accountability Center (CAC). She writes at the blog Warming Law.
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Why the Second Circuit “nuisance” case brings good news, and bad (part 1)
Cross-posted from Warming Law. Coverage and analysis is slowly trickling in of the landmark ruling [pdf] handed down by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit late yesterday, […]
If you can’t say something helpful, don’t say anything at all
Cross-posted from Warming Law. The Washington Post has been editorializing in favor of congressional action to address climate change for more than a decade, but an editorial Monday makes us […]
Supreme Court justices say the darnedest things
During the widely-watched Supreme Court re-argument Wednesday morning of Citizens United v. Federal Election Coalition – a case that challenges the constitutionality of over a century of campaign finance laws […]
Supreme Court decisions bode well for global warming-related preemption cases
In the tricky legal world of “preemption” — the principle that federal law “preempts,” or trumps, state law — two recent Supreme Court decisions bode well for ongoing, seemingly unrelated […]