Articles by Glenn Hurowitz
Glenn Hurowitz is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy.
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Obama faces first post-election climate test
For President Obama to come in and tell them and other Sandy victims that he cares more about the airline lobby than their well-being and the global climate would be an epic disappointment.
United Airlines Screws Polar Bears While Flying Over Them
You may not be able to tell from the sublime stillness of his hair, but United Airlines CEO Jeff Smisek is foaming at his strong-jawed mouth. The European Union at […]
As Romney mocks climate, Obama mocks Arctic
President Obama promised to begin to slow the rise of the oceans and heal the planet. My promise…is to help you and your family. – Willard Mitt Romney, August 30, […]
The five big forest trends of 2012
In the past year, examples abounded of forests being protected or restored on a grand scale. But those successes put the colossal failures and the corrupting forces behind them in […]