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Articles by Ginger Cassady

Ginger Cassady is a Forest Campaigner for ForestEthics, where she heads up the Do Not Mail Campaign to establish a national Do Not Mail Registry.

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If a huge coal power plant goes next door and sets up a cute little boutique collection of five solar panels, have your basic feelings about that giant coal power plant changed? Probably not. After all, you’re reading Grist.

But what if said coal company releases advertisements announcing that they’ve “gone solar,” complete with misleading close-up pics of those cute solar panels? Enough people might fall for it to make the ads worthwhile.

Call it the cute little dollhouse effect: a nasty company builds a cute, green dollhouse version of their house, takes misleading pics suggesting that the dollhouse is the real house, and then declares itself a cute little green company.

Ladies and Gentlemen, gargantuan loggovore Kimberly-Clark has built itself a cute little dollhouse!

The world’s largest manufacturer of tissue products, Kimberly-Clark continues to clearcut Canada’s Boreal forest to make their flagship Kleenex brand tissue. It contains no recycled content. Zero. Donut. Greenpeace has been on the case for a number of years, running a markets campaign highlighting the fact that Kimberly-Clark is wiping away ancient... Read more