Articles by Gar Lipow
Gar Lipow, a long-time environmental activist and journalist with a strong technical background, has spent years immersed in the subject of efficiency and renewable energy. His new book Solving the Climate Crisis will be published by Praeger Press in Spring 2012. Check out his online reference book compiling information on technology available today.
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Kerry-Lieberman is worse than nothing, no matter how loudly supporters clap.
The main argument for supporting Kerry-Lieberman seems to be “it’s a crappy bill, but once it passes it will get better”. KL proponents often point out that social security was […]
American PRIDE Alternative to Lieberman-Kerry Climate bill -short executive summary
This is the executive summary(doc) of the American PRIDE (Promote Renewable Infrastructure & Develop Efficiency) proposal. The PRIDE(doc) proposal is a two decade ~400 billion a year jobs bill that […]
American PRIDE – alternative to the Lieberman-Kerry Disaster
The leading U.S. bill in tackling the climate crisis is so flawed and weak and full of concessions to major polluters that even centrist environmental groups like Greenpeace have noticed […]
Criticizing Cap-and-Dividend by inventing something worse
Sean Casten’s criticism of Cap-and-dividend[1] seems to indicate that he had a really bad day. Implying that former former CEO Peter Barnes, and former software corporate executive Senator Maria Cantwell […]