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Articles by Ethan Goffman

Ethan Goffman writes about environmental issues for a variety of publications, and is the author of Imagining Each Other: Blacks and Jews in Contemporary American Literature.

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Sometimes it feels tough to get through a day without despoiling the planet. The products most of us use come through a wasteful global production chain; discarding old stuff is cheaper than repairing it; and our energy supply is inefficient and hard on the earth. Making matters worse, most of this excess centers around the heartwarming center of our existence, the home: U.S. households are responsible for about a quarter of the country’s energy use.

So what to do? A new exhibit at Washington, D.C.’s National Building Museum puts green living in the spotlight, providing inspiration for those who dare to dream and a plethora of ways for the rest of us to counteract our wasteful habits.

The Glidehouse in its natural habitat.

Photo: JMC Photography, courtesy National Building Museum.

“The Green House: New Directions in Sustainable Architecture and Design” aims to show visitors how thoughtful choices — even small ones — can help conserve resources, save money, and support healthier lifestyles. With displays that are complemented by lectures, trips to renovation and construction ... Read more

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