Articles by Emily Gertz
Emily Gertz is a New York City-based freelance journalist and editor who has written on business, design, health, and other facets of the environment for Grist, Dwell, Plenty, Worldchanging, and other publications.
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People pressure is key to action on climate change, say two climate movement leaders
Kumi NaidooKumi Naidoo and Lord Nicholas Stern couldn’t be more different when it comes to climate action. One is chair of a worldwide citizen activist coalition; the other an economist […]
Flash mobs barrage Obama and other world leaders with calls for climate action
Around 30 people gathered at Union Square in Manhattan at 12:18 pm on Monday to make simultaneous cell-phone calls to President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, asking […]
Climate Week kicks off in New York with bigwigs and big hopes
2009: The year so many met so often to talk so much about the perilous state of the climate — and as of September, accomplished so little. Will this week […]
NAACP resolves to fight climate change
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People celebrated its centennial last week by jumping into the policy debate over global warming. Delegates at the storied civil rights organization’s […]