Articles by Elly Blue
Elly Blue is a writer and bicycle activist based in Portland, Ore. She blogs at Taking the Lane and is writing a book about Bikenomics that comes out in 2013. You can also find her on Twitter.
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The last rider: Learning to win on a 100k bike ride
David from Eugene passes a decaying farmouse on the Verboort Populaire.Photo: Elly Blue“I think the rain is really good for us as cyclists,” said my friend Maria Schur. We were […]
Locavore-dom taken to the extreme — by bike
Photo: MetrofietsI stepped out onto my front porch one day this summer just in time to see my farmer pedaling down the street with a trailer full of tools. To […]
True confessions of a bicycle scofflaw
Photo: mad driversOkay, confession time: I’m one of “those” cyclists. You know, the ones who are giving us all a bad name, the ones who think we’re above the law, […]
The fashionable cyclist: Why let a little rain get you down?
Got a long, wet ride to work? You can do it, and still arrive looking snappy, writes Elly Blue.