Articles by Ed Bruske
A reporter for the Washington Post in a previous life, I now tend my "urban farm" about a mile from the White House in the District of Columbia and teach kids something I call "food appreciation." I believe in self-reliance, growing food close to home and political freedom for the residents of the District of Columbia. I am currently working to introduce local produce into the D.C. school system. I write a daily food blog called The Slow Cook.
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Boulder rallies around improving its schools' food
Whether it's volunteering in the schools or writing checks to pay for kitchen equipment and training, Boulder residents have stepped up to make their school food revolution happen.
Serving breakfast in Boulder's classrooms
Increasingly, schools see breakfast in the classroom as a way of making sure that students are focusing on their studies, instead of on the rumbling in their empty stomachs. Here's how Boulder handles it.
Boulder’s cafeterias embrace the salad-bar challenge
With the White House's announcement that there would be funding for 6,000 new salad bars around the country, the Boulder school district, which has one in all 48 schools, should be a role model.
D.C. mayor axes healthier school food
D.C. Mayor Adrian Fenty, attempting to close a $188 million gap in the city's budget, has halted payment of some $4.6 million that was to pay an extra dime or nickel for healthier meals in D.C. public schools.