Articles by Ed Bruske
A reporter for the Washington Post in a previous life, I now tend my "urban farm" about a mile from the White House in the District of Columbia and teach kids something I call "food appreciation." I believe in self-reliance, growing food close to home and political freedom for the residents of the District of Columbia. I am currently working to introduce local produce into the D.C. school system. I write a daily food blog called The Slow Cook.
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In a D.C. school, the simple power of a good breakfast
This is the first of three articles on how food made from scratch using local ingredients is served to the students and staff at Washington Jesuit Academy, a free-tuition private […]
Sorry, we can’t cook: D.C. schools say ‘no’ to more veggies
Cheer up, kid — the chicken nuggets and tater tots are sticking around. In a move that could signal a serious fault line in the argument for more vegetables as […]
New study says school food may make kids fatter
A new study from the University of Michigan finds that kids who eat the food served in schools are more likely to be overweight or obese than peers who bring […]
Obama’s cholesterol beef isn’t with the burgers, but the buns
(Photo by Vanessa Pike-Russell, Creative Commons)It must have surprised many that a president as young and vigorous as Barack Obama could be experiencing rising cholesterol, as reported last week. But […]