Articles by David Roberts
David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.
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Big Coal in big trouble as coal production costs rise
What's driving the decline of the U.S. coal industry? It's not just EPA regs and cheap natural gas. Coal is getting more expensive to produce.
Hawks vs. scolds: How ‘reverse tribalism’ affects climate communication
When connecting extreme weather to climate change, hawks are in a constant battle with scolds who tell them to tone it down. But storms like Sandy provide an opportunity to give the issue lasting cultural resonance.
Despite GOP jeers, BrightSource succeeds in solar
Republicans want you to think Obama's clean-energy initiatives have been a failure, but they're wrong. Here's just one example of their success: innovative solar company BrightSource Energy.
What security experts can teach climate geeks about assessing risk
Jay Gulledge spent months talking to national security experts about how they approached uncertain, high-stakes problems. David Roberts chats with him about how the lessons can be applied to climate change.