Articles by David Roberts
David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.
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There’s not gonna be a carbon tax
Lots of people are talking about carbon taxes now, but without House Republican support it won't happen. David Roberts explains why climate hawks should cool their jets.
The moral logic of climate communication
Climate communicators have two moral obligations: (1) be accurate and (2) ensure that audiences understand and care. Too many people fixate on No. 1 and ignore No. 2.
Stephen Colbert on ‘wind turbine syndrome’
Colbert takes on the health effects of wind turbines ... including herpes.
Climate science is Nate Silver and U.S. politics is Karl Rove
Republicans disregarded Nate Silver and other empiricists, and lost badly. Almost everyone is ignoring the empirical data of climate scientists -- and our losses could be catastrophic.