Articles by David Roberts
David Roberts was a staff writer for Grist. You can follow him on Twitter, if you're into that sort of thing.
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Zappos CEO wants to lure Las Vegas residents out of their cars
The idea? Help people give up the headache of auto ownership by turning transportation into a service.
Who’s really in charge on EPA rules? A chat with legal scholar Lisa Heinzerling
Rules from EPA have to go through the president’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, where they are subjected to cost considerations not envisioned by Congress. Heinzerling explains what’s wrong with this system.
Citigroup: Renewables will triumph and natural gas will help
Banking giant Citigroup has issued a report that ought to thrill fans of renewable energy, even though greens might not like its message about natural gas.
Country’s biggest utility power provider gets into the distributed-energy game
NRG, which provides power to utilities, is starting to sell power-generation options directly to consumers. This is the beginning of utilities being edged out of the power game.